German Activities

  • 10 different classes voted for the best Logo! And the winner is: 

    Preparation for the meeting in our School

    Meeting in Germany - see extra page

    Mai 2019: Award handed out fot the "Euroopean Mobility Project" in Bonn and time to disseminate the new Project

    Mai 2019: KA 1 Visit in Jaén for the WRO 2019! (Teachers only!) Worked as Judges in the competition. 

    School Devolpmentday in Bobingen: 

    Workshops and information around Robotics in school Mai 2019:


    Robotic competition of Swabia - Mai 2019

    Pepper and his friend from the University of science in Kempten

    Other Roboters on display and ready to try

    July 2019: Bavirian Final of the "Regional Robotic Cup"

    Teacher Education - Arduino in Florence

    July 2019: Teacher education for Arduino and Calliope in Swabia 


    Teacher Education (KA 1 in Florence)


    October 2019: Preparation for the Meeting in Denmark

    - Students create their own guide book.

    - hand out Information Material to our Students

    Travel to Kopenhagen!

    Met a lot of new People:

    and had great Experiences:


    Robots and Drones!

    Learned about WRO - Played Socces and improved Basic Skills with the advice of the Teachers and Students. 


    February 2020:

    Build little "Robots" with Grade 5