Presentation: My media idols - Macedonia

  • Presentation: My media idols - Macedonia


    My media idol presentation by Mia, Anastasija, Simona and Sara from VI-3 class made with Adobe Spart Video

    You can also find the presentation on the following link


    My Media Idol presentation by Pela, Marko, Filip, Andrea, Gorjan, Jovana, Lina and Sara all students in VI-1 class, made with Prezi.

    You can see our presentation at this link, too :-)


    My Media Idol presentation by Anja, Monika, Filip, Luka R, Sara, Jana, Ana, Tina, Vedran, Angela, Karlo, Deana, Krsitina, Luka E all students in VI-4 class, made with Thinglink.

    You can see our presentation at this link, too :-)