
  • The International Book Day (2nd April 2015)


    From Greece

    We use the method "Flipped Classroom" to do activities for the International Book Day. As a teacher the previous day I upload in our schοol site in internet some worksheets. The students saw them, they did the activities in groups at home and the Day of Books I gave them more worksheet with activities based on the previous.

    Activities at home in two groups

    Worksheet 1
    Eugene Trivizas
    Instruction: Read the following and answer the questions at the end by taking them into your account.

    1. In a personal website Eugene Trivizas wrote:
    Alternative biography
    O Eugenios Trivizas are explorer, inventor and jugglers Mela eggs. He has discovered the Nisi fireworks, the Froutopia, pepper, Koutsoulistan, the Koumasilandi, Hora of Xamenon Xartaeton and the United States with All Colors other than Pink. The most famous inventions Eugene are: gargalios (a machine to tickling when you're sad), the electric roufoskopio (a combination of telescope and vacuum cleaner, which not only one sees the stars but if he wants to suck and make garlands) , the edible confetti, the bathtub with the twelve holes, the flying windmill, the slide with the stairs, the melodic umbrella, bow tie for dwarfs and the backward mirror (which in shows as you were ten years ago). Eugene lives in Nisi fireworks with the parrot, the Cynthia, the white elephant, the Poukipon, the Lily, the leopard leopard, Horace Aoratio, invisible green kangaroo, and many other friends and acquaintances. Eugene has a unique collection of pieces of old tales. The rare collection includes: a feather pillow sleeping Beauty, the string from the right shoe of Puss in Boots, a brick from the house they had built the three little pigs, grandmother glasses Kokkinoskoufitsas and the wick from Aladdin's lamp.
    2. Read the Aegean University's website
    3. In publishing house website writes: The Eugene Trivizas are explorer, inventor and jugglers Mela eggs. He has discovered the Avgatiganistan the Koufeit, pepper and the eighth color of the rainbow. He lives on the Island of Fireworks with the parrot of the Cynthia, Pantelis, steep hippopotamus, and Lili, the leopard leopard. The most famous inventions of Eugene is the amplifier snoring (which strengthens hundred times you snore when you sleep and scare burglars) and chamaileontiki paint (paint it if your room with this paint, the room changes every morning color depending on the dream who saw before waking. If you saw canaries are yellow, if you saw the sea, blue with white stripes and if you saw ladybugs, red with black spots).
    4. Read an interview:
    (Answer the questions in your own text in word)
    1. Locate the school library books of Eugene Triviza.
    2. Share and read the ones you like.
    3. How do you imagine the character of Eugene Triviza?
    4. What surprised you in the books?
    5. What are the themes of the books?
    6. Pick a book by Eugene Triviza that refers to universal values.

    Worksheet 2
    Despina and the Dove, Eugene Trivizas
    Directions: Answer the questions in your own word
    1. Read the book.
    2. What human values ​​refer to?
    3. Open the following link and learned to promote the Rights of the European Union.
    a) What are the fundamental values ​​for the European Union?
    b) Employment of early European Union the legal recognition of rights? Justify your answer.
    4. Watch the video tutorial
    a) Use the dictionary to find and write down the importance of the lemma "truce". You can also use the electronic dictionary complementary
    b) What was the universal message that was sent from Greece?

    Extending the activities in the classroom

    International Children's Book Day
    Eugene Trivizas

    Group - Worksheet 1
    Write a collaboration between you write one story with a fantastic and funny invention.

    Group - Worksheet 2
    Read the story of an Olympic champion in link
    a) What are the characteristics that must have an athlete to compete in the Olympics?
    b) Write an article for the magazine in the context of e-Twinning on: Europeans, values for harmonious coexistence

    While we are doing the activities

    May 9, 1945,-Victory Day against fascism

    The atomic bombing from Hiroshima and Nagasaki


       The atomic bombing from Hiroshima and Nagasaki consisted of two nuclear atacks involving throwing of two nuclear bombs, producted by USA at the ending of the second mondial war on two cities from Japan: Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

       On the time of throwing those two atomic bombs even if the war from Europe ended throught unconditional surrender of Germany the Empire of Japan and USA were still in war state.

       On 6 august 1945 the atomic bomb known as „ Little Boy” was thrown above the city Hiroshima and three days later  on 9 august 1945 the second atomic bomb known as „ Fat man” was detonated above the city Nagasaki.

       The reasons for performacing the bombing

    Those two atomic bombs were shock weapons and terror. The huge advantage of those weapons wasn`t a militar one but politic. By the point of military view USA would have been won a little by distroying  two japnese cities. But by the4 point of civil view Japan has alot to lose

         The decizion of lunching the atomic bomb

    On 6 august 1945 a stronghold plane a „ B-29” piloted by the colonel  Tibbets was survolateing Hiroshima. The bomb was thrown from 9000 m altitude at 8:15 am. The bomb was called „ Little Boy” and had a weight of 4.5 tones Little Boy is the first bomb based on Uranium.

         The expozions of the atomic bomb made 78150 victims, 13983 missings and 37425 wounded.

       The bomb wich was thrown above Nagasaki was a bomb with 54 tones of plutonium thrown from 9000m altitude at 3:45 am. The Japanese had alt to suffer. They consider that that kind of test shouldn`t be experimentated on no one.



    Bombardamentele atomice de la Hiroshima si Nagasaki

    Bombardamentele atomice de la Hiroshima si Nagasaki au constat din doua atacuri nucleare implicand aruncarea a doua bombe atomice , produse de SUA , la sfarsitul celui  de al doilea razboi mondial asupra a doua orase din Japonia ,Hiroshima si Nagasaki .

    In momentul aruncarii celor doua bombe atomice ,desi razboiul din Europa se terminase prin capitularea neconditionata a Germaniei, Japonia si SUA se aflau inca in stare de razboi. La 6 august 1945 bomba atomica cunoscuta ca ,,Little Boy ,, a fost aruncata deasupra orasului Hiroshima ,iar trei zile mai tarziu , la 9 august 1945, cea de a doua bomba atomica , cunoscuta ca ,,Fat Man ,, a fost detonata deasupra orasului Nagasaki.

    Motivele pentru efectuarea bombardamentelor : cele doua arme atomice au fost arme de soc si teroare .Avantajul enorm al acestor arme nu a fost militar ci politic .Din punct de vedere militar SUA a  castigat putin prin distrugerea a doua orase japoneze,dar din punct de vedere civil , Japonia a avut  mult de pierdut .

    Decizia de lansare a bombei atomice :

    La 6 august 1945, un avion superfortareata B -29 pilotat de colonelul Tibbest survoleaza Hiroshima.Bomba a fost aruncata de la altitudinea de 9000 m la ora 8 si 15; bomba se numea Little Boy si avea o greutate de 4,5 tone. Little Boy este prima bomba pe baza de uranium .Exploziile bombelor atomice au produs 78150 de victime ,13983 de disparuti si 37425 de raniti .

    Bomba care a fost aruncata la Nagasaki a fost o bomba de 5 tone de plutoniu aruncata de la o altitudine de 9000m la ora 3:49 dimineata . Japonezii au avut mult de suferit .Ei considera ca un astfel de test nu ar fi trebuit experimentat pe oameni .

    Andreea Pantireanu , clasa a VII- a B


    May 9-Europe Day

    Two teams from our school participated in the contest county May 9, Europe Day, organized by the Children's Palace Iasi. The girls Irina Boz, Alexandra Dancila, Oana Rotaru and Emma Strugaru seventh grade A exhibited Spain and students Petronel Galbau , Iulia  Galbau and Andreea Pantireanu and seventh grade B showed Italy. The other participants from kindergartens and schools in Iasi showed other countries: Romania, Greece, Portugal, Turkey, Ireland, etc. It was an opportunity to learn about the culture and civilization of the Member States. They were exposed : Cuisines Europene,  posters, images, symbols of countries, national costume, monuments, etc. Both teams have won first prize .Congratulations!

    Teacher coordinator,

    Mariana Melinte


    From Greece

    We send you our activities for the Europe Day. We did the activities that you asked us. 

    We voted favorite country of Europe France. Then we made teams as you can see below and distributed the actions. 

    As national symbols we choose the Eiffel Tower in the capital Paris and the flag. Two cultural elements are the comic Asterix and Ovelix and the tunnel into the Channel. Two kinds of food are the baguette with blue cheese and the croissants. 


    Then we were inspired by the French painter Monet and in the file "Water - our life" we suggest you an activity through art.

    For children all over the world!


    Let's better  tell about childhood because they are cheerful and innocent . And, frankly, it's the truth. What child care when mom and dad think of the shortcomings of life, what can bring them tomorrow, or knead other thoughts filled her care. The child broke the stick or thinks that he is riding a horse of most foreigners, who runs with mirth, and beat him with whips and Harness him at all costs, and roars at him wholeheartedly, to take your ears; and falls down, he thinks the horse slammed, and his bat fledged mania download ......
       So I was at the happy age, and so I think we're all children of this world when she and earth, who even saa say what he says.

     Radu Iacob –Ciprian, VIII A