

The project Story ID’ is aimed at bringing together stories and identity. It is a project involving 6 different secondary schools, situated in Italy, Portugal, the U.K., the Netherlands and Belgium. In recent years, a drastic fall back in students literacy skills has been noticed at different levels, European and national alike, in primary and in secondary schools. Youngsters don’t like to read anymore which causes their reading and writing skills to deteriorate and reduces their chances in future life. Moreover, we also notice that these same young adults are struggling to define who they are, who they want to be and how they can identify with the society that surrounds them. Partners involved in this project wanted to counter these tendencies and work on increasing the well-being and core skills of their students. The project ‘Story-ID’ takes stories and storytelling as a starting point to define identity and to turn schools into reading hot spots in which the student feel at home.

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