About the Project

  • 2018-1-TR01-KA229-059973

    Project Presentation Link


    The Motto of the project is 'I hear and I forget.I see and I believe.I do and I understand.'- Confucius.
    New technologies are constantly changing the way we learn, work, live and function in a digital and
    knowledge-based society.Life is increasingly non-routine, problem-based and technology rich. That’s
    why education systems are moving away from solely content-led approaches, and focusing more on
    helping learners develop a range of competences and student-based learning systems to cope in the
    complex world.
    Therefore,the necessity of this project has its origins in the need of enhancing the motivation for
    students and teachers by learning 21st Century Key Competences and innovative teaching
    techniques which will be integrated into the curriculum and School Development Strategy Plan in
    order to create student-based learning system and decrease the school dropout rates which is a big
    problem throughout Europe and World.
    The biggest challenge any teacher faces is capturing the students’ attention, and putting across
    ideas in such a way that stays with them long after they have left the classroom. For this to happen,
    classroom experience should be redefined and innovative ideas that make teaching methods more effective should be implemented