My twin city: Christmas videoconference with Kahoot/ Mi ciudad twin: videoconferencia de Navidad con Kahoot

  • Antes de comenzar nuestras vacaciones de Navidad tuvimos el 20 de diciembre la oportunidad de mantener una videoconferencia entre nuestros estudiantes de Le Chéile y Montpellier.

    Before the videoconference, our students prepared questions about the places of their twin city that they got to know during the activity. Those questions would be included in the Kahoot quiz through which they would compete each other in the event. Together with the questions, they gave four different answers for each question with a right one among them.

    When the date of the event arrived they were really excited. First, by international groups, they introduced each other and had the chance to meet the twins of their groups. They asked each other questions about Christmas traditions and information of Dublin and Madrid.


    Then, they started up their laptops and ipads and the time to play together on a Kahoot quiz came.

    By the end of the conference we had happy winners from both countries.

    These are the results of our students' Kahoot quiz:

    CSE. My Twin City. Kahoot results.xlsx

    ¡Finalmente terminamos la videoconferencia tomando juntos las uvas de fin de año! ¡Alguno casi se atraganta!

    El ambiente festivo fue genial.


    A continuación incluimos el vídeo completo de la videoconferencia: