C1 - Membrilla - Spain - Oct'18

  • Activity C1 was carried out from Oct 17th to Oct. 21st in Membrilla, Spain. It was a short-term joint staff training event where teachers and librarians met for the first time to know each other, design the next activities that would be put into practice in the project and learn more about different techniques that can be implemented to promote Reading and discover the cultural Heritage that it entails.

    This was the programme of the activity.

    C1 - Programme.pdf

    • eTwinning workshop

    In the afternoon, Mr. Luis Zarco, eTwinning ambassador, showed us how to make the most of eTwinning to manage and disseminate the results of the project.

    Here we have the presentation that we used in the workshop.

    Partners working in the Twinspace of the project.