How much does the air in the room weight? (CZE)
Measuring the weight of the shoe in different ways (SLO)
Measuring the time of the human reaction to the light, sound and touch (CZE)
Measuring density of wood (CZE)
Density measurement of unknown liquid (CZE)
Measurement of stone density without electronic scales (SLO)
Measuring the speed of the sound in the terrain (CZE)
Measuring the speed of the sound in a room (CZE)
Measuring the speed of the LEGO EV3 robot (IT)
Measuring the the speed of flowing water (CZE)
Measuring the speed of the flowing water (SLO)
Measuring gravitational acceleration using gravity force Fg (CZE)
Measurement of gravitational acceleration using pendulum (CZE)
Measurement of gravity acceleration with pendulum (SLO)
The kinetic and potential energy theorem
Measuring the human hair thickness (IT)
How big is the current passing through Vojtěch? - photo story (CZE)
Calibrate mobile phones to measure sound levels (CZE)
Light refraction and reflection (CZE)
Resolution of forces