How to behave in school 1900 - Moers

  • What do you think about the former time school rules? (Click on add item)

    Saifulla / Moers

    Ich finde es gefährlich, wenn Kinder geschlagen werden oder sich nicht bewegen dürfen.
    It is dangerous, when kids are punshed or were not allowed to move.

    Nicola / Moers

    Ich finde es schlecht das sie so welche Regeln Hatten weil man keine Kinder schlägt und es tut ja auch noch weh .
    I don't like that there are as strict rules. For example no kids should be hit ...

    Kimberly / Moers

    Die Regeln waren sehr streng. aber auch heute sollte man den Lehrer immer anschauen.
    The rules are too hard, but today we pupils should at our teachers as well.

    Leona / Moers

    Ich finde sie nicht gut, weil das ist doof, wenn mann immer aufstehen muss, wenn mann was fragen will und mit dem Schlagen war es noch schlimmer. Unsere Regeln sind schon besser.
    I don't like it, as it is not nice, to get up every time you want to ask something. And the strking was even worse. Our rules are much better!!!

    Silda / Moers

    Früher musste man der Lehrerin immer in die Augen schauen. Das ist heute auch noch wichtig.
    In former pupils had to look in the teacher's eyes, this is still important today.

    Samuel / Moers

    Das Schlagen geht nicht, es tut weh!
    Striking is not OK, it hurts!

    Emirhan / Moers

    Schlagen ist nicht in Ordnung - Kinder dürfen nicht geschlagen werden.
    Punshing is not OK. It is not allowed to punsh kids.

    Aleyna / Moers

    Ich finde die Regeln schlecht, weil man schlägt keine kinder. Und ich finde das mit denn Händen auf denn Tisch doof, weil es ist nicht gut, wenn mann die ganzen Stunden die Hände auf den Tisch tun muss.Unsere Regeln sind besser!
    I don't like the rules, as you shouldn't punsh children. And that pupils had to put their hands on the table all the time is silly. It is not good to sit that streight all the lessons for hours.

    Sıla Hasret-Bursa

    Ben bu kuralları zor buldum,Bizim kurallarimiz daha kolay.Sevgiler-Saygilar
    I evaluate the rules as hersh.Our rules are softer.Greetings.

    Osman Mete

    Bu kuralları çok abartmışlar.Cocuklara böyle yapılmaz.Lutfen çocukları koruyun.
    The had exaggerated the rules.You should not treat children like that.Please save the children.


    Kurallar bayağı bir kötü çünkü avuç içine ve parmaklara vurmak çok acıtıyor.Kisacasi hoşuma gitmedi.
    The rules are pretty hersh.Because it hurts to hit in the palm and the fingers.Shortly i dış not like them.


    Gerektiğinde tamam da.Gerekmediginde vurmak saçma yani.
    Its ok when necessary but ninemdense without a need.

    Furkan Tahiroğlu-Bursa

    Çocukların ellerine vurmasına karşıyım.Cunku vurunca çok aciyor.
    I reject to hit the hands of children.Because it hurts badly.


    Bence popoya vurmak çok vicdansız bir hareket.Gercekten parmak kaldırmak çok zor.
    As far as i m converted ıts an unconscioentiuously act.I ts really hard to raise finger like that.


    Sınıfta öğretmeni dinlemeli,koşmamaliyiz
    We should listen to the teacher in the classroom and should not run.


    Bence kötü çünkü öğrencilerin canı acıyabilir ve dik durmak zor olabilir.O yüzden kurallar çok kötü.
    For me they are bad because standing still might hurt and also the punishment.

    Ecrin Nisa-Bursa

    Ayağa kalkmak mantıklı ama eli ve ayağı birleşik tutmak iyi bir şey değil.Ben böyle yaparken elim ve ayağım çok ağırdı bundan dolayı sevmedim
    Standing when teacher enders iş reasonable but keeping feet diğer her and hands on the desk really hurts so that i did not like.


    Eskiden çok acımasız kurallar varmış iyi ki günümüzde bu kurallar yok.
    The rules were so merciless in formed times.Its good that we dont have them at present.


    Ben bu kuralları hiç sevmedim.Hele de cetvelle parmaklara,avuca vurmak.Sukurler olsun 1900'lerde değiliz.
    I did not like those rules at all.Especially hitting the fingers and palm with a cane.Thank Got we are not at 1900's.

    Talha Deniz-Bursa

    Bu kurallar biraz kaba oldu canımız acır.
    There rules were rude it might hurt.


    Ben bu kuralları hiç sevmedim.Cunku elleri sıramızın üstüne koymak çok saçmaydı.

    I did not like there rules at all.Because relaxing our hands on the desk was nonesense.


    Aynı olan kurallar da var.Ama dayak atmayı hiç sevmedim.Kimsenin dayak atmaya hakkı yok.Allah a şükür bu gundeyiz.
    There are the same rules as well. However i did not like beating.Nobody has the authority to beat.Thank God we're at present.

    Furkan Güneş-Bursa

    Neden çocuklar dik oturuyor ve adları sıranın üstünde?Çocuklar dilediği gibi oturabilir.Allah a şükürler olsun günümüzde yaşıyoruz.
    Why are the children supposed to sit in up right position?We must be abla to sit however we want.Thank God we are at present.


    Bence hiç güzel degillerdi.Ben kuralları beğenmedim.

    I think they were not Ok.I did not like the rules.

    Nour / Moers

    Ich mag das nicht, wenn der Lehrer die Schüler haut und wenn man in der Ecke stehen muss.
    I don't like the rule about beating and standing in the corner.

    Helien / Moers

    Ich finde es nicht gut, wenn Kinder geschlagen werden.
    Ich finde es auch nicht gut, dass man nicht lachen darf.
    I don't like, when kids are beaten- I don't like either, that it was not aloowed to laugh.

    Lena / Moers

    Ich finde es doof, dass Kinder geschlagen wurden.
    und ich finde das man nicht lachen darf.
    I don't like , when kids are stroken. And I think it should be allowed to hae fun and laugh sometimes.

    Laura / Moers

    Ich finde es nicht gut dass der Lehrer schlägt weil das auch weh tut. Das ist nicht gerecht.
    I don't like, that teachers stroke, as this hurts. This is not fair.

    Eren / Moers

    Ich finde, dass es nicht gut ist, wenn Lehrer schlagen dürfen und dass wir auch mal ein bisschen lachen dürfen.
    I think it's not OK, if teachers are allowed to punish the kids by striking. Pupiös should have fun learning.

    HAMZA / Moers

    Ich finde es nicht gut,dass der Lehrer die Kinder schlägt, das ist uncool.
    I don't like, that teachers beated kids, this not COOL!

    Yazan / Moers

    Ich finde, dass Schlagen nicht in Ordnung ist ...
    I think that beating is not OK ...

    Alina / Moers

    Die früheren Regeln gefallen mir nicht,weil die Kinder geschlagen wurden. Die Regeln waren zu streng.
    I don't like rules from former times: kids were beaten. The rules were too strict.

    Louisa / Moers

    Ich finde, dass die Lehrer nicht schlagen dürfen, das ist nicht gut. Es ist nicht gut, dass die Lehrer einen Stock benutzt haben.
    I think, that teachers shouldn't be allowed to strike, this is not good. It's not good, that teachers used a stick.

    Jule / Moers

    Ich finde es nicht gut, dass die Kinder früher geschlagen wurden. Und ich finde es auch nicht gut, dass die Kinder aufstehen mussten, wenn sie was sagen wollten.
    I don't like, that kids were beating in former times. And I don't like either, that kids had to get up for saying something.

    Arán /Boñar

    No me parecen bien los castigos que les ponían a los niños y niñas, porque no está bien pegar a nadie.

    I do not like the punishments that they put on the boys and girls many years ago, because it is not right to hit anybody.

    Rosario / Boñar

    Me parece mal que hubiera castigos tan severos, pero hay otras normas que se deben seguir cumpliendo como sentarse correctamente o mirar al profesor cuando nos está hablando.
    I think it is wrong that there were such several punisments, but there are other rules that must be followed, such as sitting correctly or looking at the teacher when he or she is talking.

    Letizia / Boñar

    Está bien tener normas, pero me parece muy bien que nuestras normas actuales no sean tan estrictas y que los castigos físicos hayan desaparecido.
    It is good to have rules, but it is much better nowadays with rules not so strict. And it is perfect that physical punishments have dissappeared.

    Julen / Boñar

    No me gustan los castigos.
    I do not like punishments.