• This is a project in which the students will learn and reflect about the Human Rights, particularly about discrimination (for example: racism, bullying or sexual harassment). The students will learn about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and how to put those Rights into practice. The project will enable students to develop the knowledge of the fundamental needs of each person and to respect "diversity” so that they will increase their spirit of tolerance and mutual acceptance. Through a cooperative project, students will share and discuss their opinions and they will cooperate in building the challenges to be solved as well.


    - Social skills: collaborative work with students from other schools;

    - ICT skills: using digital collaborative internet tools;

    - Language skills: communicating in English and in their mother tongue and appreciating the diversity of languages in Europe;

    - Reflecting on the importance of the Human Rights;

    - Promoting the respect and tolerance towards people;

    - Recognizing the values of different cultures.

    - Encourage creativity in designing posters, logos related to the topic;

    - Develop critical thinking and problem solving through challenges;

    - Improve self-confidence to be able to present the tasks to classmates or partners.

    Project process:

    The project will start in October 2018 and will end in May 2019. The first task consists of presenting the students, their schools, the cities they live in and their countries of origin.

    A contest, to make and choose the logo for the project, will be organized. Then  students will form groups and analyze the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – some articles will be chosen according to the students interests so that they will integrate international teams. Each group’s article will be presented to the class/school/other countries’ groups. After that, the international teams will build a challenge (can be imaginary or  a real case witnessed, heard, etc) for another team to solve about the article on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights they’ve analyzed. All of the path will be recorded on the Project Journal (Twinspace) and on a magazine/newspaper the students/groups/teams achievements will be registered.

    1st task (until the 26th October) – Introducing ourselves; individual introduction or in groups of four (four students are photographed; below are the puzzle like information; before the activity, all the pupils must complete their profile information so that all can easily read and learn who has sisters, who is into surfing etc. suggested web tools linoit, trello, wakelet, scumblr, dotstorming

    2nd task (until the 2nd November) – Logo contest; suggested web tools: canvas, logomaker, poster my wall etc.

    3rd task (until the 2nd November) – Groups formation (in each school);

    4th task (until 16th November) – getting to know/Analyzing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – coordination so that there are groups from different schools working on the same article; to make the main points clear, they can create quizzes, games with kahoot, quizlet etc.

    5th task (until 16th November) – in class or even at school showing/presenting the work done – posters, slogans, one word/ a group of words or an image that rises awareness to that article; they may involve the school community, challenging students, teachers and school workers; poster competition and exhibition can be organized. All designed can be compiled in one emagazine with the designers info.

    6th task (until the 14th December) – Challenge made/launched by each international team – students may communicate/share their work through the twinspace forum and google docs (groups will be able to do many different things, it depends on their creativity); One international team prepares the challenge, the other international team solves it or national teams prepare and send it to other schools.

    7th task (until the 11th January) – Solving the challenge;

    8th task(until the 31st January) – “Hearts of all colors” magazine/newspaper showing the work done by each group/team – it can be built along the project;

    9th task (until the 31st March) – interactive calendars including important dates related with human rights, independence; collaborative outcome

    10th task (until 20th April) Preparing quiz questions and examining the pupils' knowledge

    11th task (until 20th May )Evaluation of the project.

    12th task ( Throughout the project process) Dissemination 

    The expected result:

    The activities done will be registered in the project’s Twinspace.

    The digital magazine/newspaper will be published on the Internet and it will have public access.

    Interactive calendars will be published.

    The website of the school will inform everyone involved about the project and everyone will have a link to the publication.

    There will be a poster design competition. Posters will be exhibited at schools and online. They will be compiled into an emag.

    The families of the students will be informed and will have access to visualize the activities of their children.

    Chat sessions must be determined maybe through moodle, and the recording or the pdf form must be uploaded into a page.

    Forum pages must be active.

    Photographs showing the pupils’ contribution to the project with explanation.

    For dissemination project poster might be designed and exhibited.