
  • Dear Partners,

    Think about assessment of our project and its dissemination. It can be a meeting with parents, other teachers and your headmaster, an exhibition, presentation, an article on your school's website etc. Take photos or videos to present them here.

  • Ideas

    In Croatia...

    We plan to have a school day for the parents. We are going to organize some workshops for the parents and my idea is to prepare all the sets of OLD MAID cards and give them to the parents to play.

    Dissemination at Ghisleri- Italy

    We are going to write an article for our school website where we can describe what we have done in this project. Moreover, a couple of students of our school have been invited to "The festival of Europe" organised by the Town Council for secondary schools in Cremona. They have had the chance to introduce the etwinning projects of our school. I will soon post pictures of the event.

    Our project for Europe Day in Cremona - IIS Ghisleri

    On 9th May our school representatives were invited to make a speech about our European project during a ceremony in the City Town Hall. Our Major, Culture Officials and headmasters were there and appreciated all activities. Lorenzo and Matteo talked about our eTwinning projects (past and present). A great success!!!

    Poster with our projects for Europe Day- Cremona
    School Day in Croatia

    One of the workshops was "Old Maid" game. And they really put effort into finding the pairs.

    VIRGILIO Junior Secondary School-CREMONA-ITALY

    Dear Partners, we are really pleased to share our choice as to our challenging experience. On the school website we have published a Power Point presentation concerning the main items of the Project. Moreover we put a poster in the hall of our school so that everyone could appreciate what we have done making our students proud of themselves. Both our and your sets of Old Maid Cards will be available as a CLIL board game for future classes.

    VIRGILIO Junior Secondary School-CREMONA-ITALY
    VIRGILIO Junior Secondary School-CREMONA-ITALY
    In Bełżyce, Poland

    On 5th June we invited parents and our headmasters to present all the activities and tasks we have done within the project framework. We used Project Journal and materials on our Twinspace, Christmas Cards and "Old Maid" cards. We even budged parents to play this game. Then we published a short article about the project on the school website

    In Bełżyce, Poland
    Dissemination; Lublin, Poland

    On the 14th June we organised a meeting to share the idea behind eTwinning project. In particular, to evaluate it and to present my teacher colleagues and parents how we can support our students in learning through eTwinning projects. End of the school year was full of red tape, however some of my students and workmates found time and came to listen what we had done throughout the year.
    I was the host of the meeting and my students supported me by referring to ideas (pages) that were exploited in the project. Six of them were present and really active. Each explained how particular parts of the project were led.
    Afterwards, I wrote a text, which is to read on the school’s website, to present our work on the first eTwinning project in our school. Here it is:

    Dissemination; Lublin, Poland

    Podsumowanie I części projektu