Tools for internet safety

  • Here we add links to tools related to internet safety

    Childnet – - a non-profit organisation working with others to make the Internet a safe place for children. It offers information and didactic materials for teachers and parents as well as games and internet safety information for children.

    Creative Commons - - a website where you can find information how to share and use other people’s creativity in a legal way.

    eSafety Label – the portal for schools, providing eSafety advice and guidance how to effectively bring eSafety into schools. Through this portal schools can apply for “eSafety label” which is a European-wide accreditation.

    eTwinning  - -  eTwinning code of conduct.

    eTwinning - the booklet called "Intellectual Property and Education in Europe", in which you can find the research revealing how the issues related to intelectual property are taught in different countries.
    The booklet is available in eTwinning portal under the link:

    Safer Internet - - a European network consisting of 31 national awareness centres. Its aim is to empower children and young people to use digital media in a safe and responsible way.

    The Content Map -  a guide of legal digital resources.

    KIDS ONLINE - Bulgarian Safer Internet Node - - The Better Internet for Kids (BIK) guide to online services aims to provide key information about some of the most popular apps, social networking sites and other platforms which are commonly being used by children and young people (and adults) today.


    Center for digital pædagogik (in English). Cyberhus’ problem pages represent only one of many counselling options at Cyberhus. We are choosing to show activity from our problem pages since all questions and answers are already publicised with the acceptance of our young people. The questions shown are just a small sample of approximately 2,000 questions we receive from young people each year.


    SELFIE (Self-reflection on Effective Learning by Fostering the use of Innovative Educational Technologies) is a tool designed to help schools embed digital technologies into teaching, learning and student assessment. It can highlight what’s working well, where improvement is needed and what the priorities should be. The tool is currently available in the 24 official languages of the European Union with more languages to be added over time.