
    1. Every single school designs some logos and decide wich ones are the nicest and will represent the school in the international logo contest.

    2. Every school can present a maximum of three designs.

    3. You can use any technic, any material you want. Feel free!

    4. The end date will be October 15th (8am), and then we will vote till the 20th (8am) for the winner.

    5. You can create a subpage with pictures of your school work (kids preparing the logo, some logos, competition, winners...). In this page we will only put the winners of every school.


    Here you can admire our winner logo, a fusion of the logos made by the brothers "De Miguel" and "Alma Alonso" from kidergarten in the Carlos Ruiz School in Navalcarnero. These ones were the most voted options.