
    A 6-part banner to tell about the 6 MELT pupil mobilities


    After each mobility, the participating pupils filled in one part of the banner with meaningful images, photos, tickets, drawings, words etc.

    The banner was then handed in to representatives of the partner school that would host the following mobility.


    1° exchange of group of pupils - Rome (IT), November 2018

    2° exchange of group of pupils - Tonbridge (UK) - March 2019


    3° exchange of group of pupils - Serpa (PT) - May 2019


    4° exchange of group of pupils - Kaunas (LT) -October 2019


    5° exchange of group of pupils - Cambo-les-Bains (FR) -February 2020


    6° exchange of group of pupils - Virtual mobility- Paola (MT) - May 2021