History of Internet (Georgia)
History of the Internet - works of Portugal
- https://prezi.com/d3vkijskchnu/the-internet/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy
- https://prezi.com/view/w5N6d7d1b0E14KUj5ATK/
History of the Internet from Slovakia
Internet History - Polish
1961-The file transfer theory, the basic route for data transmission over the Web, was published for the first time.1967-The ARPANET network was designed.1969-Connected to the ARPANET network: the University of California, Los Angeles, the University of Santa Barbara, the Stanford Institute and the State University of Utah.1973-ARPANET becomes an international network thanks to the connection of University College in London and the Royal Radar Establishment in Norway. The start of the File Transmission Protocol (FTP).1979-Introduction of the USENET system, intended for sending messages about various topics at a distance and enabling the transmission of responses.1986 - NSFNET (National Science Foundation Network) has started.1987-Creation of a network connection between Germany and China. The number of hosts is already over 10,000.1990-The end of ARPANET. The world's first ISP (Internet Service Provider) is emerging. The following countries join NSFHET: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Greece, Spain, India, Ireland, Korea and Switzerland.1991-Scientists from CERN have developed the World Wide Web (WWW) standard