To do list :)

  • We should do all the activities by the end of the current month :)

    October- ice breaking activities, getting to know each other, exchange of national symbols and uploading them on TwinSpace, playing the game of guessing which symbol belongs to which country, digital tool Padlet and Skype +

    November- outdoor activities, each country makes e-book about their town and share it with partners, digital tool Prezi, ISSUU +

    December- making postcards and send them to partners, describing one traditional Christmas custom, sing Christmas songs featuring Music teacher, make Christmas sweets and cookies from partner countries +

    January- make international exhibition of Christmas cards we exchanged, upload photographs on TwinSpace, asking questions about partner school's presentations- cooperative activities +

    February- Love stories in the castles, investigating about museums and castles in partner's countries, bookhunting in the library and reading about this topic from books-local collection in library's fund, telling legends via live meeting on eTwinning+

    March- lecture of Geography teacher about geografic features of partner countries, making international quizz, digital tool Kahoot +

    April- make presentation in team work to present countries, regions, food, customs, products, local cultural heritage, monuments, famous people, etc.- using Google Doc presentation; each partner country will choose one topic and write about it  +

    May/ June- finishing the project, presentation of the project results by making posters, exhibitions, brochures…