Our project

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    About the project

    This is an Erasmus + KA201 in which, ten organizations from all over Europe work together for three years in order to foster a culture of democracy in the primary school context.


    - To enhance teachers’ access to democratic and intercultural (DI) education
    - To increase teachers’ knowledge about DI education
    - To equip teachers with tools and methods to promote and assess pupils’ DI competences
    - To foster the development of pupils’ DI competences
    - To empower pupils offering them the opportunity to participate effectively in public life and decision- making processes, making their voices heard
    - To promote the involvement of pupils with a migrant background


    - 4 Intellectual Outputs: 
    CVS Training Course for teachers
    CVS Curriculum for children
    CVS Supervision App for teachers
    O4 CVS Study
    - 3 Learning & Training Activities:
    C1 Joint staff training event for teachers (March 2019, Mezdra, Bulgaria)
    C2 Joint staff training event for teachers (September 2019, Bagheria, Italy)
    C3 short-term exchange of group of
    pupils (May 2021, Bergen, Norway)
    - 6 Multiplier events
    E1-E5 Events at local level (October 2020, one for each school)
    E6 Event at transnational level (May 2021, Bergen, Norway


    A public TwinSpace with all the results will be created for sharing the teachers training content, the curriculum for children, the supervision App for teachers and the CVS study.