The Yearly Plan of the Project

  • 1. 2018, September

    We celebrate the European day of languages at our schools and present our eTwinning project "FAMILY WORDS". We present how the event is organised uploading pictures, videos of it and greet our partners in forum.

    The words which present family memebers in our native languages are presented with definitions in English (Padlet, power point presentations and othere apps can be used).

    2. September

    We create the logo of our project and choose the best.


    We practice FAMILY WORDS in foreign languages and upload video tutorials how to pronounce them.

    4. November

    We practice writing about our families in English in the forum. As a common product we create a  FAMILY calendar.

    5. December -January

    Family calendar work will go on

    6.February -March-April

    There will be online meeting between partners and pupils

    There will be a quiz about about family words for pupils


    Partners and pupils fill the evaluation survey

    partners and pupils prepare common video to sum up all work