

    Project Plan Schedule



    October 2018
    1. Adding the students on eTwinning via members section
    2. Applying a pre-survey on students about the fairytales
    3. Introducing ourselves and the schools on twinspace
    4. Choosing one favourite fairytale by each school
    November 2018
    1. Uploading a picture of chosen fairytale on the Padlet board /each school will write its name, the title of a fairytale + picture /
    2. Voting for a common fairytale that will be applied to write down a new ending by each school / all studens will be included to voting /
    3. Working on the task / along with working on it teachers will upload some photos or collages of their working process in the Project Journal /
    4. Each school uploads a project logo which they created with students on twinspace and logo challenge starts! =) The best logo is voted on eTwinning to select project logo. 
    December 2018
    1. Sending parcels "Culture Boxes" to the partners´ countries following a chart on the Country Box page /early December/
    2. Working on the task = rewriting new endings of our common fairytale
    January 2019
    1. Creating an digital e-book of fairytale/ Country Names & Flags of the each country included
    2. Drawing pictures to depict the scenes of the fairytale ending
    February 2019
    1. Acting out the fairytale in the classroom or just a part of it/ some scenes
    March 2019
    1. Applying a post-survey on students
    April 2019
    1. Making students use forum internationally
    May 2019
    1. Evaluation and dissemination of the project
    2. Applying for Quality Labels for each member