
  • Results of the student's assessment.

    All the students love the project "Alice in Escaperoomland". They think they have learnt lots of things: Maths, English, how to work in groups, making friends, foreing countries, traditions, different languages...

    They say that all the activities were entertaining, exciting and interesting. They prefer the Escape Room activity, the book marks or the multiplication tables. Maybe because they get a card every time they know the table we were styding in that moment.

    On the other hand, they wouldn't change anything of the project because they say that it's perfect.

    They love the videoconference but it was impossible to have a good internet connection because something was wrong in the other school. Even though we had a good connection and all the devices were prepared, the system failed and we had to use our mobile phone. So the images were so tiny and the motivation of the students decreased a little.

    Here you are some images about the process of the avaluation with students 2nd grade. They are answering the questions of the survey in the Computer Class.

    And this is a sample of the avaluation for them. They are written respecting the natural spelling in Spanish.

    Evaluation with students 1st grade.

    Results of the family's assessment.

    All the families think that the project is very interesting for the students and they are very happy with them. 

    The majority of the parents give the highest rating (5 points) to the project. But some of them score 4 points. They think their children enjoyed and learned with the project and and all the activities carried out are valued positively. 

    Regarding the relationship between families-school, the majority of them think that the information given about the project was good enough. But some of them don't give the highest rating in the collaboration school-family. They give 4 points instead 5 (the maximum).

    Here you can see the father with his children answering the questions made by the coordinator.

    An example of the questions for the families. On the left we can see how the families give 4 points to the collaboration school-family and the opinion about the whole project. On the right we can see how the families are happy with the project and they write some excellent opinions about it.

    Results of the teacher's assessment.

    The three teachers in the project think we have learnet a lot about the different partners and their countries and cultures. We had the opportunity to practice and learn English and at the same time we worked with the families and we shared our activities with them. 

    The project is integrated inside the curriculum at school so we have been learning the contents through it. This is a good point for the students because they show a higher motivation to study and learn and they have felt brave enough to do some activities a little bit difficult for them.

    The families have participated a lot, suporting the teaching staff and collaborating from house.

    We use the surveys made by the coordinator to avaluate the families, teachers and the students. We sent our answers to the online web page.

     But we decided to write a similar survey for our students as a language activity in the classroom and they have to write their answers in Spanish.