Let us all write tongue twisters and long words in our native language.
Greek : σκουληκομυρμηγκότρυπα (21 letters) an anthill
Croatian: prijestolonasljednikovičičinima (31) those who belong to the throne of the wife
Ukrainian : дихлордифенілтрихлорметилметан (30 letters), chemical used to pests.
Tongue twister: У чотирьох черепашок четверо черепашенят.
(Four turtles have four baby-turtles)
Jervoise England : https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/tongue-twisters/cup-coffee
Here is the tongue twister we have been learning.
Slovak: znajneprekryštalizovávateľnejšievajúcimi (40 letters)
Išiel pštros s pštrosicou a s nimi malé pštrosíčatá.