• Do you celebrate dot day?

    Kobarid (Slovenia)

    This year we did some decoration for our school hall.


    Primary School with Integrated Classes No 6 Siedlce, Poland

    Here you can find what I have done with my 2nd grade 
    1. Firstly we watched the video about Vatshi
    2. We wrote DOT in our notebook and next to it we painted a Dot
    2. we sang the alphabet
    3. we created our spotted letters :) to use the alphabet in our pixlr works :)
    below the presentation with first tasks :) it will be updated it soon

    4. We encoded the script "The DoT Day"
    5. We created our DOTs in 3D using Quiver Vision
    6. 4th grade created Days of the week in a bog DOTs

    We took part in creating POLISH DOT DAY on FB group" Dzień Kropki"ń-Kropki2018

    our pages here:

    DOT DAY 
    We just draw and colour the DOT, it was great fun!!!