Entrepreneurial Young Citizens of Modern Europe

This project aims to serve as a meeting point for Erasmus KA2 partners from September 2018 to June 2020. The project would like to develop entrepreneurial skills and engage students in social change both on a local and international level. Students will do researches, questionnaires on their local NGOs and compare their findings with their international partners. They will do tasks to develop their entrepreneurial skills and citizenship competences. Via regular communication they will learn about the cultural differences and similarities between them and their partners. During the project they will set up mini-companies and at the end of the project they will design, produce, advertise, introduce and sell their products at an international fair. Twinspace would serve as a live surface for project partners to meet, communicate, collaborate, share ideas, findings, materials. They would evaluate their work and disseminate their results to ensure the sustainability of the project.

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