Project-Dream Tree



    This is a project in which different countries from Europe will come together to create a dream tree at their own schools by using the dream cards prepared by partner schools'pupils.This tree will present their feelings ,expectations,plans or dreams about their career plans or more general topics like peace in the world,pollution,hunger etc.By brainstorming and communicating with other partners and teams, students will be able to decide on the best dream card.They will write it on the paper,decorate the cards by drawings and create their own unique dream work.By adding name and country to their cards,they will deliver their cards to their teachers.Teachers will scan them and send via e-mail to all the partners.After decorating the tree,every partner will take the pictures of the final work and share it with others.

    • Topics: İlköğretim okulu konuları, Müfredatlar arası , Sanat, Tasarım ve Teknoloji, Yabancı Diller
    • Languages: EN
    • Age: 11 - 14
    • Tools: e-mail, Forum, Other software (Powerpoint, video, pictures and drawings), Proje günlüğü, TwinSpace, Virtual learning environment (communities, virtual classes, ...), Web publishing
    • Aims:
      We are all different but we are also the same.We have common dreams and expectations from future.With this point of view in our minds,we decided to create those dream tree at our schools.It is called Europe's Dream Tree.Students will be able to discover both the similarities and differences with the help of actively discussing about their plans and dreams,they will have the chance to discuss and interact about the means to reach their goals and hints about how to make their dreams come true.Then they will shape and make their minds about the best or most wanted dreams.At the same time they will have the chance to improve their language skills together with enlarging their cultural understanding and sympathy.This is really good for their self development,too.
    • Work Process:
      In March,meeting on Twinspace and describing lives of our countries,cultural issues,sharing pictures and descriptions of our teams will take place.Also students will be in touch with others and communicate about the preparation of the card.In April,they will exchange their drawings,discuss about topics for their dream cards.At the end of April,cards will be sent to the partners.Decoration of the tree will be done at every partner schoolin May by using all the cards.Imagination and creativity will be at work here,too.Students and teachers will be actively communicating with their partners and share things.Final job will be a surprise and pictures of the tree will be sent to other schools in May,too.
    • Results:
      We are planning to create a nice Twinspace.Dreams of lots of students from different countries will be a part of project and this will be a great experience for the students.Knowing that their own dream cards with names on it will be part of dream trees in different countries will be amazing.Creative,collaborative,active,imaginatice,confident teens are the most important value and acquisition of this project.And this is our dream.