1.Plan and instructions


    By the end of the project students will be able
    - to understand the significance of different factors/indicators for the economic situation of a given country
    - to analyze and evaluate the economic situation of different countries based on such factors/indicators
    - to use different tools for collaborating, exchanging information and presenting results


    STEPS : 

    1. Students present themselves and find partners, who want to work on the same country (internationally mixed teams/groups are required). As an initial task they are supposed to discuss economic question on eTwinning forums or by doing interviews.
    2. Create a small economic encyclopedia which includes the definitions/explanations of the factors/indicators necessary to analyze a country’s economic situation
    3. Work out an analysis of one country in their group

    Week 1 : 

    - Each student must fill in his or her eTwinning profile, choose a photo or a picture that represents you. Write 100 words. 

    How ? Click on your name at the top of the page and click on EDIT TWINSPACE PROFILE.

    - On padlet, post a picture of the last item (add a number )you bought and then write a post (add a letter) in which you introduce yourself and talk about your pocket money, shopping habits and describe the last thing you bought. Our parteners will have to match the text and the picture. 

    -Now, you can browse the members's page and write an email to a student from each country. Let's get in touch !


    Week 2  :

    - Present your school and your city. You can use THINGLINK it's a great tool. https://www.thinglink.com/welcome. 

    - In the forum, choose the country you want to work on and create international teams. 

    - Each team chooses a logo for the project and we'll vote for the best one with TRICIDER. https://www.tricider.com/home

    You can use an image or create your own logo : https://www.logofactoryweb.com/   https://www.freelogoservices.com/


    Week 3  : team work to gather data on the chosen country. 

    - general survey (with GOOGLE FORM ) about students' interests in economy, most important subject matters in the world.


    week 4 and 5 : creation of the encyclopedia (with google docs and CALAMEO) 


    week 6 and 7 : students analyse their findings. They either write collaborative articles (with google docs and CALAMEO) or record podcasts about their opinions. 

    weel 8  : project evaluation.