DR.E.A.M. - Juggling among cultures
DRama dancE Arts Music for a Multicultural Europe
The project "DREAM-Juggling among cultures: DRama dancE Arts Music for a Multicultural Europe" is an Erasmus+ project involving four schools from Germany (Coordinator), Italy, Spain and Lithuania. The duration of the project is two years and it is set up for students aged 15 to 19.
The main objective of the project is to strengthen the students' intercultural awareness and self-esteem by undertaking (inter)cultural activities in order to be able to engage and actively participate in our multicultural societies. All participants will be aware of their historical and social background while highlighting the similarities and differences of their cultures. By presenting Arts from various traditions, students with multicultural backgrounds are given the chance to identify more with their respective culture.
The topic of Arts is chosen to trigger a higher level of motivation at school, since even students with academic difficulties often unlock unknown potential in creative tasks, improving their language and social skills. Expressive arts are known to be a great leveler and students from all walks of life can access arts of some kind.
In the end, the project asks the students to express themselves in cultural products whose exhibition will foster their cultural understanding of themselves and the others as well, with the prime aim to overcome discrimination, but also to preserve cultural identities.
The final goal is twofold:
1. Raising Awareness of the contribution of different cultures to our European 21st century (multi)Cultural Heritage,
2. Organizing Events and Exhibitions of students’ products to foster their feeling of having an impact to share and reinforce that awareness: all events and performances will be recorded in order to produce at the end a collaborative feature film.
One event will be conducted in each country after the project by ambassadors of multiculturalism, who are trained at a learning, teaching, training activity.
Moreover, at the initial Joint Staff Training event good-practices dealing with how the schools tackle the problem of multiculturalism will be exchanged. Also, a guideline for enriching classes through multiculturalism will be compiled which will be used for the entire project, reviewed at the final meeting and implemented at all partner schools at the end of the project.
GERMANY – KÖLN Städtisches Maximilian-Kolbe-Gymnasium
ITALY – DESENZANO del GARDA Liceo Statale G. Bagatta
LITUANIA – VILNIUS Vilniaus savivaldybes Grigiskiu gimnazija
1. GERMANY - KOLN Städtisches Maximilian-Kolbe-Gymnasium
DATE 10-14 December 2018 3 days + 2 travel
PARTICIPANTS 2 teachers per school
THEME Joint Staff Training – Kick-off Meeting
The schools exchange examples of good-practices dealing with how they tackle the problem of multiculturalism. This may include general and broader activities and projects undertaken at the schools. Also, teachers might present how they bring together students from different cultural backgrounds in their classes and how they include the aspect of multiculturalism in their teaching. Together all the teachers create a guideline for enriching classes through multiculturalism which will also be of use for the next project meetings. Besides, a checklist for the project meetings will be compiled and the fine tuning of the project will be done.
2. ITALY – DESENZANO del GARDA Liceo Bagatta
DATE March 2019 5 days + 2 travel
PARTICIPANTS 6 students + 2 teachers per school
THEME Where we come from in Arts & Architecture
Students from different countries present typical art and/or architecture from their home countries. They not only present it to the other students but they also explain its roots and functions. At the meeting the students explore local historical and archaeological sites in mixed nationality groups. In workshops the students compare and contrast similar sites in their countries of origin. The results are presented in a photo-gallery, Powerpoint or interactive presentation.
Together the students create new pieces of common art. The Art made at the meeting is going to be photographed to be put on the eTwinning website. The event is filmed so as to provide footage for the final common movie.
3. LITHUANIA – VILNIUS Vilniaus savivaldybes Grigiskiu gimnazija
DATE May 2019 5 days + 2 travel
PARTICIPANTS 6 students + 2 teachers per school
THEME Who we are in Dance
The partner countries will present national dances and provide background information. If possible, the students will teach their national dance to the others. Everybody will learn to dance the Lithuanian folk dance "Suktinis" and through this process improve communication and cooperation. Together students create fusion dances in mixed nationality groups. The final products will be recorded and/or filmed and will be uploaded on eTwinning and the schools' websites and will be used for the final film.
Teachers and students will discuss ways to preserve the cultural heritage for future generations using the discussion method and integrating the traditions of different European countries.
Besides, using a quantitative empirical method, a survey will be produced by the students on stereotypes about the partner countries.
DATE October 2019 5 days + 2 travel
PARTICIPANTS 6 students + 2 teachers per school
THEME How the others see us in Drama
In international groups the students evaluate the survey about stereotypes and about the preconceived ideas about the other countries and cultures. Then, the students show the stereotypes people have in mind in short role plays and they practise storytelling. Finally, they write a scene together in transnational groups in which they show a good example of intercultural encounter. The activities will be undertaken in collaboration with the local theater and the creative writing project carried out at IES Jándula. All presentations will be filmed to be included in the final common movie.
5. GERMANY – KÖLN Städtisches Maximilian-Kolbe-Gymnasium
DATE April 2020 5 days + 2 travel
PARTICIPANTS 6 students + 2 teachers per school
THEME Where we are going in Music
Students from different countries present typical music from their home countries. They not only present it to the other students but they also explain its roots and functions and if possible they teach it to the others. Together in mixed nationality groups they create modern fusion music in workshops
given by teachers of music from Maximilian-Kolbe-Gymnasium and together with the external project partner Kult Crossing which is specialised in combining the Arts and intercultural learning. The final products will be recorded and/or filmed and will be uploaded on eTwinning and the schools'
websites. Also, the students participate in an intercultural training. They will become ambassadors of multiculturalism to spread the enrichment multiculturalism brings along at their schools. They will be trained to be leaders of multiculturalism and to organize a multicultural event at their school after the meeting in Germany.
The guideline for enriching classes through multiculturalism, which will have been compiled at the first Meeting, will be reviewed by teachers and students. It might be adapted and used for the multicultural event conducted by the ambassadors and used for the further development of all partner schools.