Each group can receive a maximum of 10 points for completing its task. Evaluation will cover the manner of performing the task (creativity, use of various sources of information, the ability to cooperate in a group) and the quality of the work done (reliable material, consistent with the subject, containing comprehensive information).
Points 1-4
A small effort put into the preparation of the poster. Collaboration between the team members limited and not very effective.
Points 5 -7
The work prepared aesthetically and carefully. The group members collaborated with one another throughout the process of creating their work.
Points 8-10
The work prepared aesthetically and carefully with using non-standard methods and artistic techniques. The group members effectively collaborated with one another throughout the whole process of creating their work.
Points 1-4
Students prepare a short talk about waste segregation, carry it out with their peers, ask questions. Group members communicate with each other while working on a task.
Points 5-7 points
Students working together in a task force prepare a short talk about waste segregation, carry it out with their peers, ask questions. After finishing the talk, they actively present how to segregate the waste.
Points 8-10
Students working together in a task force prepare a short talk about waste segregation, carry it out with their peers, ask questions. After finishing the talk, they actively present how to segregate the waste. They provide short workshops, during which they teach younger peers how to segregate rubbish.
Points 1-4 points
The concept of interview has been developed in a non-material way. Questions for interviewees usually in line with the topic. Material from the interview prepared in a correct manner in terms of content and style. Individual cooperation among group members.
Points 5-7 points
A well-designed concept of interview. Questions for interviewees in line with the topic of the conversation. Material from the interview properly developed in terms of content and style.
Points 8-10
A very well-conceived and thought-out concept of interview. Material for the interview developed in terms of content and style. A well-planned division of tasks to be carried out among group members.
Points 1-4
A small effort put into the preparation of the work. Collaboration between the team members limited and not very effective.
Points 5 -7
Students prepared interesting quizzes and crosswords. The group members collaborated with one another, used different sources of information to get knowledge concerning the topic.
Points 8-10
Students prepared interesting quizzes and crosswords, used various applications to complete the task. The group members effectively collaborated with one another throughout the whole process of creating their work, they used different sources of information to develop their knowledge concerning the topic.