Our project

  • The project

    This project is about tradition, history, culture, interesting and famous places of cultural heritage in different towns. The aim of this project is to discover other towns in Europe. By doing that we will make new friends and get to know their culture and tradition. The activities will involve taking photos, making videos, sending postcards, sharing and exchanging information as well as the use of web tools. The project starts in September and finishes at the end of February.

    Working language is English.

    The aim of this project is learning about others and from others. Students will learn information about other towns, their history, culture, interesting and famous places of cultural heritage. By learning about other towns and culture, students will make new friends, improve language skills, the use of ICT, history and geography knowledge. We will foster collaborative learning and creativity.

    September: introducing yourself - a photo and a few words about school, class, pupils (padlet); location (zeemaps)
    October: making a large poster of your town for your classroom (cultural monuments, buildings, museum, churches - drawings or photos...).
    November: Get to know my town (ppt, ebook, padlet, Sway - your choice) - simbols, buildings, interesting places, monuments, history, tradition.
    December: sending picture postcards to each other (our town).
    January: exhibition of postcards (padlet).
    February: quiz My town - What have we larnt? (kahoot) - each partner make a quiz about his town.
    During the project - uploading interesting photos (collages), videos of your town.
    Teachers will communcate and upload all the material on Twinspace.

    Student's productions:
    Videos, posters, collages, Power Points presentations, postcards, writings, quizzes.
    Improvement of language skills.
    Improvement of knowledge of one's hometown.
    Use of ICT resources.
    Awareness of different towns ,cultures and traditions.
    Collaborative learning.
    Teachers will communcate and upload all the material on Twinspace.






