• Here we are few info regarding our countries. We want to show you our beauty but, for the first time , we want you know our difficults...comparing each other we hope to improve something.

    ITALY- San Giorgio a cremano, Naples.

    photo gallery of San Giorgio a Cremano, a small country very close to Naples, It is located on the foothills of Mount Vesuvius to the west of the volcano In the 18th century the comune had become a popular tourist resort, and attracted wealthier residents and the aristocracy from the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, before going into decline following Italian unification, although primary industries and agriculture have persisted within the comune from its foundation to the modern day.  it is now one of the most densely populated areas in the whole of the European Union. it's so bad!! a lot of traffic !! too many people!! 



    Hillerød, Denmark. Known for its castle and beautiful surroundings:


    Turkey - Adana
