•     WORK PLAN 

    Hello friends these are our work plan.Please try to follow them.

    In April
    *All participants and pupils give informatıon about themselves,their country and their schools.(please use any web 2.00 tools while doing activity)

    In May

    *Organize a visit one of the museum in your city.

    Before visiting

    *Make a survey to get their knowledge about the museums.


    *Arrange an expert in order to visit the museum well.

    While visiting

    *Visit a musem,take photos,videos and make small groups in order to interact with each other.

     *Presenting museums visit to other partners with web 2,00 tools

    After visiting

    *Create any game like  for pupils to check understanding of the topic and enjoy the activity.

    *Make a survey to find the difference before and after visiting the museums. (Go to page Visit to National Cultural Institutions - part II After the visit and fill out survey - or here is a link: https://goo.gl/forms/DX6Ar1gSrZ9NfdoC2)

    *Pupils will represent a custom or tradition such as holidays,weddings,carnivals,unusual traditions.Find similarities and differences between their cultures.
    *Create our logo by using mentimeter.Each partners vote two words and these words come together then make logo by using wordart with these words.



    In June
    *Create  e-books which is about each of the countries  most popular museums,historical places in their countries and the other is about all about our project activities.

    *Make posters by using Canva.

    *Evaluating our project  with https://www.mentimeter.com/s/88a67a03fbd40ee88853afaf53e550fa/5d4eead7be60/edit

    * Disseminate project in your city,country and the world.


                  Hello friends,as you know we have to preserve our cultural heritges. Please watch this video 


              If you are interested in, you can take 'BUILDING 21ST CENTURY COMPETENCE WITH DIGITAL CULTURAL HERITAGE' course on page
