
    FORUMS: Let's talk about stereotypes.

    • Answer these questions
    • After that, make a commentary of, at least, 3 of another country student’s answers, saying something like “In answer to NAME AND SURNAME, I consider that…”


     Stereotypes: Give examples of stereotypes (Spanish, Swedish, gender, family...) and your opinion about them.


    Do you want to know anyone?

    • "A Swedish family is often a mom a dad and 2 kids a they live in a house and often have a dog"
    • "The stereotypical Swedish family is a family Where everyone has blond hair, and everyone is kind and always happy"
    • "All swedes have good moral and work a lot, women have easier jobs than men. Spaniards are lazy and don't work as much and sleep in the middle of the day. Swedes work in offices, Spaniards work with tourists."
    • "A stereotype for the people how live in Swedish ports is that truckdrivers is alcohol effecting when they drive. "
    • "A Spanish stereotype is that they are not so good at spelling in English"
    • "Another stereotype is that all Mexicans are lazy and came into America illegally"
    • "One of the most common misconceptions I encountered abroad is that all Americans are wealthy — and everyone has multiple cars and a big house"