-Selection of the groups of students and teachers responsible for certain stages of the project (eTwinning Teacher Council and Pupil Council).

    - "The preparatory online meetings/Webinars with the partners schools" to identify the basic principles, methods and strategies for developing the action plan in order to address all workshops and activities in the following months.

    -Making “ads” about the project in the city & country (using online platforms such as SEG, eTwinning, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, the Webpage of National Ministry of Education  of the Countries, the website of the each school etc.)

    - “An eTwinning Corner” where pupils' concrete works will be arranged.


    - Announcement of the "logo competition”

    - Creating the "informative board” about countries’ traditional cuisine in the eTwinning corner of the school.

    - Making/cooking a traditional meal (Just one).


    - Pupils will create "presentations (or a short film) by using “Web 2.0 Tools” about their local legends, jokes or tales.

    -“An eTwinning Cultural Music Show in the Native Language” will be organized and the photos of the event will be shared online platforms.


    - Visiting "The Town Museum" to see the historic ad cultural items (Awareness of Tangible Cultural Heritage)

    -“A Glossory” for Cultural Heritage 


    - Preparation for the e-Safety Internet Day (SID) on 5th February, 2019.


    - Searching the life of one of the most important character in culture who had many plays/jokes/tales etc. (eg. Nasreddin Hodja is one of the most popular character who had many jokes) (Ppts-Kizoa, Canva or Posters)


    - Traditional crafts exhibition


    - The SHOW of the play(Nasreddin Hodja's Jokes) with the local authorities, parents, teachers from other schools..etc.

    - Putting the photos of the activities on the websites of the schools, facebook group and eTwinning platform/sharing the activities on the dissemination platforms.


    - Reports for the NSS by schools