
  • Romanian Team:

    The project can be looked at as a study on the biodiversity of the The Natural Reservation Park of the Lower Plain of the Prut River but it is also about changing the role of the student in the learning act in such a way as to increase the learning efficiency and to form a social behaviour towards the surrounding environment. It is well known that a quality education is that which aims at forming in the student a systemic, integrative way of thinking, a holistic view on life and on the living environment, on the biodiversity which is the sum of all the genes, species and ecosystems that form life on Earth. The pupils, in turn, contribute to the devellopement of their communities by means of projects that tackle various services or topics of interest for those communities and act as ecologists, data collecting specialists or even scientists in a common effort to see different perspectives of their lives in the community.

    The ecological education is achieved, only if it is disseminated in society, if the local community is responsive to the environmental problems and understanding the necessity of an ecological behavior.
                 The local community had to understand the fact that the quality of the life from today and tomarrow depends from us. The future of mankind depends on respecting the principles of a lasting development.
                 The lasting development is the development that ensures prezent necessities without compromising the ability of future generations for satisfying their own needs.
                  Knowing these things, we consider that is our duty, the teachers duty from today and tomorrow to promote the values of the ecological education in the community where we live.