here are the talks the Austrian students liked best:

    Barbora's talk about self-love is very interesting and persuading, she speaks freely and clearly and uses good body language

    Marianne's talk about how to overcome sadness is perfectly structured and she is really authentic because she talks about personal experiences

    Natalia's talk about happiness is very interesting and inspiring, she speaks freely and gives good examples



    SLOVAKIA voting results:

    Dear friends, we decided to nominate the best speakers (in our opinion) in EVERY country as follows (in alphabetical order): 

    Austria: Kristina - Self motivation

    Croatia: Doris - Classical music vs. pop music

    France: Marianne - How to overcome sadness

    Italy: ???

    Poland: Natalia - Happiness

    Slovakia: Barbora - Self love

    Turkey: Zeynep - Social media 

    We feel inspired by the great job everyone did and need to add that there were so many good work done by students, but we couldn´t  nominate all of them.  


    Maxence's talk Don't let fear control you is voted as the most interesting and the best organized speech which also has a lot of influence on the speakers (it came second in that field)

    Marianne's talk How to overcome sadness is voted as the funniest and the most emotional speech.

    Barbora's talk Self love is voted as the most inspirining talk.




    Here are the winners of our voting (we didn't vote over Polish speeches):



    Here are the Talks that the French students liked best:

    - Doris's talk about classical music was voted as the best organized, most fun and most emotional talk.

    - Melanie's talk about the Red Cross was voted as the most inspiring talk.

    - Kristina's talk about self-motivation was voted as the best performance from the speaker and the most interesting topic.