
  • Our project became public through the Twinspace project journal and the project' s Pages with all the uploaded photos/videos and information about the activities carried out by the partners.

    Also, the project partners made the project known on school blogs and websites, through letters sent to the parents of the children and open days & events at our schools, all of which can be seen below:



    Project partners make the project public on school blogs & websites


    link on the 18th Elementary school of Kalamata, Greece

    school website   http://18dim-kalam.mes.sch.gr/index.php/index.php/e-winning

    link on the Cumhuriyet Primary School Burdur Turkey





    link on the 18th Elementary school of Kalamata, Greece school blog about our eTwinning projects  





    Projects partners make the project public through letters to parents

    Part of the letter sent to the parents of the students informing them about the project and giving them the URL of the twinspace



    Project partners make the project public through open days and events at school


    Our online event for staging the plays at school



    Turkey adapted and staged the Greek story LIES in their school. Here the Greek students are watching their beautiful performance accompanied by Turkish music played by one of the students!

    In Greece the parents of the students were invited at school to watch presentations of our eTwinning projects, all five of them, including UNITING STORIES of course! You can see the event and some photos from our event below:



    At Cumhuriyet Primary School, we shared all our project activities on our school's website, we read the stories in classrooms and we organized a closing ceremony to all school. All school and parents watched our play on stage.

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