• 1. Use ANSWERGARDEN to ask your kids to writte about what they love


    2. mother language

    Made with Padlet

    3. DICTIONARY Story Jumper ebook with words in different languages eg. family, spring etc appearing during the project

    you can add new words, kids will draw them.

    Book titled 'Spread Love Dictionary'Read this free book made on StoryJumper!function(){function d(){"undefined"==typeof SJMakeBookOpenLightBox?--c>0&&setTimeout(d,100):SJMakeBookOpenLightBox()}function e(){/in/.test(document.readyState)?setTimeout(e,9):d()}var a="https:"==document.location.protocol?"https:":"http:";if("undefined"==typeof SJScriptLoaded){window.SJScriptLoaded=!0;var b=document.createElement("script"),c=10;b.src=a+"//",document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(b),e()}}();


    4. KAHOOT

    We use Kahoot to practice maths in a different way. 

    1st time:


    2nd time:


    5. OUR BOOK