DysTRANS - Supporting Dyslexic Individual In Transition from Primary to Lower Secondary School

The project is intended as the working and sharing platform for the Erasmus Ka201 "DysTRANS - Supporting Dyslexic Individual In Transition from Primary to Lower Secondary School " reference 2017-1-TR01-KA201-046274.The partners involved will be the coordinators of the project and all the teachers involved in the work with their students. The project aims to offer quality education and enabling success for all students, including SEN learners or children with a migrant background who might face SLD and Dyslexia; also to improve collaboration among all actors within schools, as well as with families, and other external stakeholders through the communication network and dissemination events where to promote new evaluation and rehabilitation strategies for Dyslexic pupils; to improve transition between different stages of education as the the title of project itself suggests.

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