Project Evaluation

  •  The Evaluation of the project has been carried out mainly via participants' interviews and Teachers' obesrvation. We also used questionnaire whicc is formed by students and the resuts are going to be ready early the coming school year

    The formative evaluation via questionnaire to All participants 

    Results at students

    Students were enthusiastic as researchers in STEMLand and they felt empowered or more independent. Their motivation and interaction between classmates improved the relations between them and felt very satisfied when explaining to others about European projects and features of other cultures. They also felt very proud for the English and ICT skills that they gained during the eTwinning project. Our project was based on project based learning, and focused on encouraging participants to be empowered learners. Taking into account that students of today can be knowledge constructors we gave them opportunities and possibilities to go further to subjects as Maths, ICT, Programming and Science. They gain the indication to critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others. As computational thinkers they can easily develop strategies for solving problems in ways that leverage the power of technological methods. Students are creative communicators since they can communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media according to their goals.

    This project was fully supported by technology and taught to students how and when to use digital tools to broaden their perspectives and enrich their learning by collaborating with others and working effectively in teams nationally and globally; we supported the global collaborator.

    Impact of the project at Schools 

    The impact on: i) improving relations between teachers and students, ii) building a sense of European citizenship within the school and create European Dimension in the class and encourage students’ critical reflection by comparing educational systems, governance, cultures, iii) characterizing the schools as ‘innovative schools’, and STEM School, iv) getting more colleagues in our schools involved in the project.


    Final report by E.Rossiou