• The project is a partnership between two classes, one from Greece (Alexandropouli) and the other from Italy (Chieti). The two classes, which had the Greek and Roman history in the school curriculum, decided to study those parts of the history through the partnership, aware of the fact that they were the successors of the ancient Greeks and Romans.

    The project started with the students' presentation who identified themselves with ancient Greek and Roman Gods and Goddesses.They did it in a ludic way, recording video presentations in form of guessing games for their partners' peers who tried to guess. You can have a look at the page clicking here. 

    Then they presented their towns (visit this page) with a special eye on their heritage, creating video presentations shared with partners via Twinspace. When uploaded, the creators requested to partners to watch it carefully in order to answer to the questions to be discussed in a specific forum. Here you can see an example of the communication among students.

    Partner teachers asked partner students to write their doubts about the video presentations and to express their interests about a specific landmark, part of the partner country heritage or some heritage aspects presented in the videos in the forumReading the partner students' interests, Angeliki and Marina, the two teachers, prepared two virtual lessons for partner pupils. They uploaded them in the Twinspace, so the two classes could watch it and learn about the heritage landmarks they were interested in. Greek pupils requested to the Italian teacher to learn more about Trabocchi, while Italian students wanted to know more about Via Egnatia. So, they lived an incredible experience: a virtual lesson made by the partner teacher! Have a look, please clicking here and watching the lessons.


    Angeliki's virtual lesson for Italian students:

    Marina's virtual lesson for Greek students:

    After having watched the virtual lessons, students asked more info and expressed their doubts in the forum (click here) and teachers answered.

    The project included, also, the collaborative creation of a historical dictionary where pupils proposed the words they considered important for the project topic. Students used collaborative ICT tools to write the words (answer garden) and to tell them in English and in their language to teach the same words in their language as well (flipgrid). (use the following password: Livinginancienttimes)

    Studying Greek and Roman history in a collaborative way through the project gave students the opportunity to present to their partners one piece of heritage they considered important in their towns. Italians presented The Roman Thermal Baths, Greeks presented the Didymoteicho Castle. In this page you can see the students' products prepared to teach their partners peers. In this way, both Greeks and Romans learnt a lot thanks to their partner peers contribution. This landmarks promotion was the occasion to reflect about the personal responsibility of each student about the landmarks care in order to trasfer them to the future generations. A collaborative cultural heritage debate between partners was opened to suggest ideas about the personal engagement. Have a look here, please.  As students were enthusiastic about the two promoted landmarks, they created pieces of handicrafts (see here) and invented creative stories set in the two places. Visit the page to see the complete activity. Greeks set their story in the Italian landmark and viceversa.

    Here you have just an idea of the two stories (one strip from each story)

    One parent from Italy proposed to make two Kamishibai theatres for both classes. He bulit them and then sent one to the Greek class. They have been the theatres used for the performances of the two creative stories. Watch this page to have a look at the activity and here to watch the performances.

    To know more about the Greek and the Italian history, the two classes organized a game to be played in a videoconference. Before the syncronous heritage game via eTwinning Live, they uploaded some info about the Greek and the Italian heritage. Click on the highlighted words to know more. Click here to watch the moment of the online heritage game.

    Games, collaboration, communication and creativity  have been the core of the project. Visit this page  to see other games played to learn about the cultural heritage.

    The project logo itself was created collaboratively. See here. And here are the two winning logos of the Landmark contest.


    All the project has been planned together. Angeliki and Marina met many times online and had a great communication, mostly via Messenger. Visit this page to see the online meeting documentation. In the end, they evaluated the project expressing their final thoughts (Click here) and disseminated the project. They learnt a lot from each other and, just to keep in mind what they learnt on ICT, they prepared an Ancient Times Symbaloo.

    Students evaluated the project as well. You can see here the results. In the end Angeliki and Marina reached their objectives: the promotion of the heritage, the awareness about the students' personal responsibility about its care and the creation of strong bonds between the two classes and countries.