Seyirci Kalma Harekete Geç Hep Beraber Hem Oynuyoz Hem KodluYOZ/Don't Be a Mere Spectator But Move We are Both Playing and Coding Together


Türkiyede Yozgatta başlayıp ulusal ve uluslararası kodlama ve robotik etkinlikleri yapılacaktır. sitesinden takip edebilirsiniz This Project started in Yozgat is an international one in which coding and robotic activities are going to be done. By equiping our students with ICT skills we are able to raise a producing generation but not consuming one. So they can produce new tools. You can follow us by clicking on the link below: AIMS - to raise a generation not only using the technological tools but also creating new ones. -to foster and enhance creativity . Öğrencilerimizi, bilgisayar kullanım becerileriyle donatıp tüketen değil üreten bireyler haline getirmek.

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