27th February 2019

    • School Tour and Presentation focused on the multicultural context in which the school of Bremen develops. The school’s principal, Mrs. Sibylle Müller.
    • The coordinator presented the website for the Flipped class called `flipping the perspective – learning by doing`. The main idea is to create s shift of the perspective as the learning process may sometimes be difficult for the students. Every partner country is supposed to build tutorials explaining the method.
    • Mrs. Claudia Gennuso presented the Google form integrated on the website, related mostly the migration background of the respondents. This answers were the start of the research.
    • The 3rd part of the presentation centered on the next section, vocabulary and grammar topic relate to the section. The suggestion is to find those word/terms related to the topic. This would be a starting point for designing sentences and write texts. The section Grammar bank would finally look like a data bank with words related to the topic. Tools like Quizlet and Padlet are used. The Quiz test should be proposed as a tasks to all the students involved in the project.
    • On the main page, there is a page dedicated to Outputs/National Results; each partner country might have a page where they could show their work with the grammar tools related to the topic. For example, `going to examples – I am going to learn about inter-culturalism or Present Perfect examples: I have often heard the term multiculturalism. The website has a strong collaborative outlook.
    • Italian coordinator team also presented a video related to the students’ view on the multi-culturalism and inter-culturalism.
    • Thus, each partner should have a tutorial for each page. The team discusses on the content of the pages and the tutorials. On the national outputs page, each partner agreed to pay attention to the following subjects: France – verbs, Germany – tenses, Romania – questions and Words that matter (artistic sense), Hungary –  word order, Poland – may/might, Portugal – can/must. Each country could have a report of how they use the respective structure in other languages.
    • For communication, the coordinator may receive outputs and upload them; also, each partner team is invited to upload their results.
    • They met migrant students and have an interview. As a consequence, focus was on  interculturalism/multiculturalism, analysed local policies about migration and integration and worked on dissemination activities including a meeting with members of the „School of Europe“ – Certificate Jury.
    • The meeting with an expert on migration from the city administrator, Ms. Ehsasian was conducted by Mr. Matthias Myrczek, project responsible from the German partner school.
    • The team also revised the future meetings planned in Budapest and Gela;
    • The scheduled agenda was followed completely.

    After a short break we started a workshop, where Mrs Tiziana Finocchiaro, our project coordinator, showed us the output of Italian team. She presented the website, which they created with practical examples of the flipped classroom. It included the tutorials, materials and the outputs on the topic of multiculturalism and interculturalism.


    The second part of the day was dedicated to a guided tour of the German Migration House in Bremehaven. The group could benefit of a keen insight on the project’s main topic – causes and effects of human migration. The museum brings to life the story of seven million people from different parts of Europe, who emigrated by boat from Bremerhaven between 1830 and 1974. Most of them went to the USA.