
    Students created the KAHOOT Game 'Unite Europe1'.


    Information about this activity:

    Link to the Kahoot game:

    How to play: Go to this address on Computer. Show it via beamer to the students / players. It will show a Pin. Players go on their smartphone to Kahoot. They type in the Pin. Every player chooses his own name. Ready to play! Have Fun!! 

    TASK - How to create the Kahoot game:

    About our common European history and culture we create a quiz show in style of ‘Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?’

    10 questions are needed for each game. For each question four answers have to be added of which only one is correct.

    Put the questions with the answers to the app kahoot

    Copy the link to the game and share it on the Twinspace.


    Planned result of this KAHOOT activity:

    Students of different Europeans countries create games about European history and culture collaboratively and play together.

    Students create the game in their mother tongue.

    Students translate the game into games into various European languages.