In the project students have worked collaboratively in different tasks following the Project Based Learning (PBL) Approach
Teachers have given students a prompt or a question to solve:
What are the best things about your city? (Driving question or challenge)
What places are worth seeing in other cities? (interview a foreign students)
What food is typical there? (Publicly present a product)
What are the cultural landmarks and traditions of your city? (Need to know)
What do you know about natural heritage? (Need to know, present a product)
Find out why other students love their city and write an article about it (inquiry and innovation)
Do the final product comply with the quality standards (feedback and revision)
Create posters with the information found and games to find out what you have learnt (21st century skills)
Then students have carried our some research in teams to create a final product able to answer the driving question
Tasks carried out collaboratively in international mixed teams