Ataturk Primary School

  • Ataturk Primary School consists of a kindergarden, a primary and a secondary school. It has about 320 students and 20 permenant teachers. Some students come from nearby villages. The school is located in Kargı a small village of Çorum. It consists of 5000 inhabitants. It is in the Central Black Sea Region of Turkey. The school is participating in some healthy living programmes like Nutrition Friendly School, the school canteen sells fruits and sandwiches for the students. The school organizes Keşkek Day which is a traditional Turkish food made of  boiled and pounded wheat. At this day students play several games. Every year Traditional Children Games tournaments are held between the schools of the village.  Every year Waste Battery and Blue Bottle Cap Collecting Campaigns are held. Our students learn English as a foreign language starting from Grade 2. Our school has some special features like a well-resourced library, a playground and voleyball, football, basketball fields, a grassed area with sitting places and a conference hall.