2.Break the ice!

  • Deadline: 4th December

    Hi everybody and welcome to our Twinspace!

    Here we will be working together and collaborate throughout the school year! In our first activities, we will get to know each other better so these are your first 3 tasks:

    1. Fill in your profile: choose a photo and tell your partners who you are and what is special about you.

    2. Browse the profiles of your partners to learn about them. You can also get in touch by writing a wall post.

    3. Go to the FORUM section, answer and comment the thread "Nice to meet you!" in the discussion forum "Meeting space".  You can ask your partners the questions you have in mind to start getting to know them better. 

    Important!: when you answer a post in the forum, you must mention who you are answering to (like @person, @person2)

    How to add a photo /video in a forum post: upload it into the "materials" section (in Folder 1) first. Then you can add it to your forum post. Make sure it's free to use (no copyright).