Travelled Distance.

  • Travelled distance - experts: Spanish students

    How does the code affect the number of wheel rotations to cover a distance of 100 metres? Explain your reasonning. 


    From FRance,  Guillaume Sainte-Croix, Hugo Perrier, Léonard Nicolas, Killian Thery

    Travelled Distance :

    To make this compute, we actually need the reference of a Wheel.

    We took this reference : 215/55R16/93V

    16 is the width of the rim and a bigger rim will cover a longer distance than a smaller one

    So with the same speed, a car with bigger rim will make less Wheel rotation to drive 100 meters.

    Then we calculated :

    2xπx27,5= 173cm and after dis, the number of rotation of the tire, we will consider that one rotation equals 173cm and with this we’re going to divide 100 meters by 173 and it equal to 58

    58 is the number of rotation of a Wheel with a radius equal to 27,5 cm