Activity plan

  • Month
    Registering eTwinning project
    Project’s blog and logo
    My first robot
    Sharing on eTwinning event and project blog
    Create plan and communication with partners, create logo and blog
    Organize  an event, a lesson using robot. Create a game or educational material that we share with our partners
    Hour of Code
    (Scratch, Lightbot, and other)
    Sharing on eTwinning event and project TwinSpace
    Use tablets, smart boards, computers and so on. for learning the basics of programming through games(Scratch, Lightbot,
    My  robot from Lego (Lego Wedo,Lego Mindstorms and other)
    Sharing on eTwinning event and project blog
    Organize  an event, a lesson using Lego. Create a game or educational material that we share with our partners
    Unusual devices in my school (MakeyMakey and other)
    Sharing on eTwinning event and project TwinSpace
    Organize  an event, a lesson using unusual devices. Create a game or educational material that we share with our partners
    Programmable Robot (Edison, Lego Wedo 2.0 and other)
    Sharing on eTwinning event and project blog
    Organize  an event or lessons. Create a game or educational material that we share with our partners
    My history about robot(comics, cartoons, story)
    Sharing on eTwinning event and project blog
    Create a story about Robot  and make cartoons or comics
    Smart devices in our life
    Sharing on eTwinning event and project blog
    Organize an event or lessons. Create a game or educational material that we share with our partners
    Finish e-book
    Sharing on eTwinning event and project blog
    Apply the project for Quality Label eTwinning
    Create a e-book with educational materials for teacher