
  • French Breakfast (Elise,Fanny,Adam,Elias)

    There is not a typical french breakfast as such, but generally, we eat cereals with milk; toasted bread, pancake, wuffle or bun with nutella, butter or marmelade; cookies; some fruits(like orange, apple or still banana ); cream cheese; butter croissant, chocolate bread or raisin bread. We drink cold or hot milk; juice( mainly apple or orange ); coffee( in whom we can add sugar or milk ); tea and hot or cold chocolate.The breakfast is bigger when it's the weekend because we have more time for eat.


    LESSONS (Jade, Constance, Lubin and Jules)

    We have 8h per day.

    We go to school 4full days on the week and the Wednesday we go just the morning.

    We have 1h30 for eating.

    When the teacher is not here, we can go to home or we have to go in a class, with other people who their teacher isn’t here too.

    We can’t choose the contents we want, we have a timetable.

    We cannot eat in the corridor or while the break.

    We don’t have to bring back our meal.

    We don’t have a locker.

    There are classes who all the students learn Spanish, but there are classes who an half learn German and an half learn Spanish.

    The German class includes 3 classes.

    Each class have a principal teacher. He gives the important paper; he gives us our report card.