5. Voting rules


    Dear all,

    we can use these voting rules /they are nearly  the same from our previous project The most beautiful Easter picture  - International Art Contest 2017/

    We can´t vote for our own school pictures.

    The most important: the beauty of the picture and the difficulty of the technique.

    Every coordinator teacher from one school can give points to more than 4 pictures.

    And we can award with points from 4 upto 10 pictures.

    We can give points within a scale: 10, 8, 6, 4, 2

    I PLACE -  10 points

    II PLACE - 8 points

    III PLACE - 6 points

    IV PLACE - 4 points

    V PLACE - 2 points

    In this way we can give the same amount to more than one picture. And more than one picture can win the contest.

    Please write the points on the forum.

    Every picture taking part in the contest is already a winning picture as the children won in their own schools the first stage of the contest.

    Good luck

    Markéta Masaříková