Our project Outline


      Dear all,

      This is an outline page of our project.  It will be renewed every month.

      Please try to do the tasks of every month on time .



    1. Teachers would introduce ourselves. Choose a photo and tell our partners who we are.

        Mark the place we are from on the map.

        Deadline : November 15th          

    2. Pupils would introduce themselves on a different photo for each participant country.

        Deadline : November 20th

    3. Description of our schools in the form of a short video tour, powerpoint presentation, a photo

        collage etc.

        Deadline : November 20th   

    4. Partners will choose a photo/drawing and vote so as to be the project's logo.

        Date : November 25th

           Voting will take place on December 1st.

     5. Organise a live chat with our pupils.

          Date : to be announced




       1. Draw a common Christmas card to share greetings with our partners.

        Please let us use our imagination, be creative and colourful !!!

        Day : December 1st

        2. Schools fill in the padlet wall with wishes for the New Year in our native language.

        Deadline December 10th

        3. Upload a video of Christmas carols in our native language. (maximum length 5 minutes) 

        Deadline : December 15th

        4. Schools talk about Christmas traditions and habits of their country.

        5. Upload photos of our school Christmas decorations on a padlet wall.

        6. Prepare a Christmas recipe of our country (video, photo collage etc.)

        Deadline : December 15th

         Write the recipe on the google doc so as to make a booklet with X'mas traditional recipes.

         7. Pupils create a cover for the recipe booklet and schools vote for the best.

         Deadline : December 15th

         (Mind: voting will begin when we collect all the covers).

          You MUSTN'T vote for your own cover page !!!!  

         Voting Day : December 20th

         8. Let's find out what Christmas means to our pupils (simple words in our native language –

         10 words maximum.) 

          Deadline : December 10th

          9. Pupils do common worksheets with fun activities about Christmas.

          10.Let us all decorate a Christmas tree with favourite Christmas songs.    

          Deadline : December 15th  

          11. Write multiple choice questions related to Christmas traditions in our country for a X’mas                    board game. It will be a great gift for our pupils.

           Deadline :  15th December

           12. Write an acrostic poem for Christmas.

           Deadline :  20th December





     1. Announcement of the winner cover for our Recipe Book.

         January 13th

     2. Upload photos of pupils playing our Board Game.

         Deadline : January 20th

     3. Express feelings (pupils/teachers/headmasters/colleagues) of our board game on a padlet wall.

         Deadline : January 20th 

     4. Add recipes for our book both in English and Native Language.

         Deadline : January 20th 

     5. Dissemination of our project.

     6. Fill in a Questionnaire (both pupils and teachers) to evaluate our project.

         Deadline : January 30th 

     7. Presentation of our Recipe Book.

         Hopefully by the end of January.